Why You Should Never Subscribe To Online News
There is nothing quite as disappointing as receiving a new subscriber notification on your favorite news website and seeing them disappear. This happens when your subscription runs out, and you could be left with no way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening! What’s worse is that once the subscription has expired, you’re liable for paying back any amount of money you’ve already spent, even though it was already covered by the company. You can Click here to visit official website.
Many companies are turning to subscriptions so they can sell advertisements that appear at the bottom of articles, replacing banner ads with something more lucrative in return. While this may be beneficial to the company, it is detrimental to the customer.
Many websites have made promises to their subscribers that they will NEVER run out of content. While this is true for every website, it’s not quite as nice as it sounds. It doesn’t mean that you’ll need to keep paying indefinitely for “unlimited” access to your favorite content, but you could still find yourself at a disadvantage if an online publication goes under unexpectedly. And even if they’re not bound by any contractual obligations, you’d want your website or publication to continue providing uninterrupted service before you were willing to pay again.
The Problem
There’s a lot to be written about this subject. Let me give you a simplistic view of things so that we can get our point across.
Someone has a website, magazine, newspaper, or blog. They sell subscriptions to their content, but you already know that part because it’s what you’re doing right now. You decide to purchase a one-year subscription for $20 for the site of your choice, but the site fails to deliver on the ads that were promised or even provide content consistently. When it comes time for you to renew your subscription (hopefully two years later), you’re charged $40 instead of $20 because they’ve added on fees from previous “unpaid” years.
The problem is that the entity running your favorite website or publication simply cannot afford to keep providing content for subscribers. Say that you subscribe to the Daily Racing Form (DRF) for $20 a year, but for whatever reason, the DRF experiences a crisis and is unable to continue publication. It ceases all operations but still offers an email newsletter, which you are under contract not to renew because it was only available for a year at $20.
When it comes time to renew your subscription, however, you’re charged $40. The DRF has no way of making good on its promise unless they somehow obtain funding from somewhere else – assuming they have any money left over after paying their bills and keeping their offices open.