Are You a Candidate for Hip Replacement Surgery?

According to Hedy Marks, MPH at Health Grades, hip replacement is a surgical treatment to repair a diseased or injured hip joint. Hip surgery is also known as hip arthroplasty. It is aimed at relieving pain and restoring the mobility and function of the hip.

Signs and Symptoms of a Hip Problem

The following are symptoms of a hip problem:

Difficulty in walking, ascending stairs, and bending while trying to sit. 

The pain could be mild or severe and could be felt while at rest, and may interfere with sleep.

Stiffness affects the motions of the hip.

However, hip problem symptoms are not fully relieved by nonsurgical treatments, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), body therapy, injections of steroids, or the use of a cane or a walker.

Causes of Hip Problem

Osteoarthritis is when the articular cartilage that buffers the hip joints breaks down and scours off. This results in the hip bones rubbing themselves, which causes pain, including other movement difficulties. Also, a severe injury or damage to the hip could be accompanied by traumatic arthritis.

Additionally, rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system damages the tissues within its framework, ensuing in the infection of the synovial membrane (joint lining), an excessive amount of synovial fluid, and damage to the joint cartilage, resulting in increasing difficulty in movement and pain.

Who Should Not be Considered for Hip Replacement?

A person should not be considered eligible for hip replacement surgery if:

The person has a chronic condition, for instance; Parkinson’s disease.

The person has a severe health condition that affects their muscles resulting in weakness.

Who Should be Considered for Hip Replacement?

According to Cody Martin, MD, in an article, the following makes you a candidate for arthroplasty:

A damaged hip-joint

If you have been informed of damage or deformation in your hip joint by your doctor, you should begin to plan and discuss a possible hip replacement surgery with your doctor. You should expect your doctor to bring up the topic. Unattended joint damage abbreviates to more severe cases. Do not take forever to think about it, and hip problems can be more difficult for a doctor to locate.

A severe hip arthritis

There are several kinds of hip joint arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (as listed above), etc. Hip surgery is medically recommended where there is severe damage to the hip joints. This surgery is advised to help deal with the pain and allow you to go about your routine quickly.

An inability or difficulty in moving due to stiffness

Consider hip replacement surgery a good option if you have difficulty moving freely due to stiffness in your hip joints.

If you ask, “where can I find a hip replacement surgeon near me?” Regenesis Orthopedics offers surgical procedures to repair joints and tissues. They are experienced in hormone therapy and other advanced medical practices to serve you the very best of health services.

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