Things You Should Know About Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses, often known as progressive lenses, have several focusing capabilities. This enhances your vision at various distances.

Progressive lenses are used when a person has various vision impairments. Sharp lines separate the distinct portions of bifocals and trifocals.

The several portions of focusing power are merged together in multifocal. They usually have a prescription for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and intermediate distances.

Multifocal lenses treat visual issues caused by ageing. They provide a gradual or progressive changeover between correcting farsightedness and correcting nearsightedness. They also eliminate the need to swap glasses depending on what you’re doing.

Who Are Multifocal Lenses For?

If you meet the following criteria, your eye doctor may propose multifocal lenses:

  • Need to strengthen vision to perceive items that are close and distant.
  • You desire a seamless transition between lenses.
  • Need to see in most settings without changing glasses.

That being said, the multifocal lens has its disadvantages:

  • Costs more than standard lenses
  • It will take some time to adjust

Many people believe that progressive lenses are the best solution for them. There is an adjustment phase during which your eyes acclimate to them. Many people discover that their vision is better without bifocals or trifocals.

Types of Multifocal Contact Lenses

There are two types of multifocal contact lenses in general. They are as follows:

Simultaneous Vision Design

These are bifocal or multifocal lenses. The centre of the lens carries the refractive power for either distant or close vision. This type of multifocal design often has two or more discrete zones of two different powers.

Segmented Design

These lenses have a zone for distant vision in the top and middle zones, and a separate zone for near vision in the lower half of the lens. A noticeable line separates each zone.

Rigid gas permeable lenses are always used in segmented designs. In addition, soft contact lenses in simultaneous multifocal designs are available.

The Difference Between Multifocal, Bifocal, and Trifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses provide a smooth transition from near-to-distant vision prescriptions. They let you read (close up) and glance up from reading (intermediate) without having to switch lenses.

Bifocal and trifocal glasses have a significant distinction between the close-up and far-away portions of the prescription. It’s a more abrupt shift, whereas multifocal lenses provide a more gradual transition.


Contact lenses and spectacles with two different optical powers are available. They are often used by patients with presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. This type of lens corrects for both close and distant objects.


Trifocals offer another viewing zone for intermediate vision. Intermediate vision is used to describe items that are only a few feet away, such as a computer screen. You’ll be able to view items in the close, distant, and intermediate ranges without adjusting your glasses.

Similarly to bifocals, people need trifocal lenses as they age and their vision deteriorates. Trifocal lenses have three distinct prescriptions. Each prescription is separated by visible lines on the lenses.


Multifocal lenses, as opposed to bifocal and trifocal lenses, have a progressive power of correction from the top to the bottom of the lens. This reduces eye strain and brings the user closer to natural visual transitions. 

Progressive lenses are entirely customizable. They enable you to see clearly at any distance without changing prescriptions.

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